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ZEISS Lens Wipes, Pre-Moistened Eye Glass Cleaner Wipes, 50 Count
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ZEISS Lens Wipes, Pre-Moistened Eye Glass Cleaner Wipes, 50 Count

Product ID: 457830598
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ZEISS has pioneered the fields of high-quality optics and optoelectronics. ZEISS pre-moistened lens wipes were born from that expertise. These wet, glass cleaning wipes safely and quickly clean eyeglasses and sunglasses plus other optics like camera lenses, webcams, binoculars, and microscopes. Specially formulated with a unique alcohol solution, these wipes gently and effectively remove smudges and dirt, leaving optic lenses free of scratches, streaks, or residue. ZEISS glass cleaning wipes are individually wrapped, allowing them to be conveniently stored in your purse, backpack, desk, or car. Lens scratches are forever, which makes wiping glass lenses with your shirt or readily available napkin a dangerous and costly mistake. Make the safe choice and use these ammonia-free cleansing wipes while at home, school, work, or on the move. For the best glass and lens cleaning wipes, trust ZEISS today. We know high-quality optics…and the lens wipes to maintain them. ZEISS Lens Wipes, Pre-Moistened Eye Glass Cleaner Wipes, 50 Count Individually wrapped, pre-moistened cleaning wipes Disposable wipes for the gentle cleaning of glasses and lenses Safe for cleaning lenses with anti-reflective coating or prescription Ammonia-free wipes clean without leaving streaks or residue Safely clean glasses and wipe lenses guaranteed not to scratch Quickly and easily wipes away smudges and dirt

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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