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Equate Ibuprofen Tablets 200 mg, Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer, 2 pack, 200 Count
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Equate Ibuprofen Tablets 200 mg, Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer, 2 pack, 200 Count

Product ID: 456390778
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Compare to the active ingredient of Advil Ibuprofen Tablets. When aches, pain and fever try to take over, turn to Equate Ibuprofen Tablets 200 mg for powerful pain relief you can trust. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is tough on minor aches and pain such as muscular aches, minor arthritis pain, toothache, backache, menstrual cramps or minor aches and pains from the common cold. It also helps to temporarily reduce fever. Ibuprofen is the number one doctor recommended back pain OTC active ingredient (of U.S. physicians surveyed by an independent market research firm). A pain reliever/fever reducer for adults and children 12 years and over. Proven pain relief without a prescription. Brown coated tablets. Use for the temporary relief of aches and pains. Gluten free. Active Ingredient: This product contains ibuprofen 200 mg, a pain reliever/fever reducer (NSAID). Compare to the active ingredient of Advil Ibuprofen Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer: Proven pain relief without a prescription for tough pain such as muscular aches, minor arthritis pain, toothache, backache, menstrual cramps or minor aches and pains from the common cold. Also temporarily reduces fever Strong Relief: Equate Ibuprofen Tablets 200 mg are tough on pain to help you get the relief you need to keep going. No prescription needed for this pain reliever/fever reducer Effective: When pain tries to take over, turn to the proven pain relief of coated Equate Ibuprofen Tablets 200 mg. For adults and children 12 years and over Number One Doctor Recommended: Ibuprofen is the number one doctor recommended back pain OTC active ingredient (of U.S. physicians surveyed by an independent market research firm)

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