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Adult Sized Red Dragon Venus Flytrap (Fly Trap) Carnivorous Plant 3 inch Pot
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Adult Sized Red Dragon Venus Flytrap (Fly Trap) Carnivorous Plant 3 inch Pot

Product ID: 158480356
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Red Dragon Venus Flytraps are all genetically identical. They are all the exact same clone. During the warmer half of the year they tan red to purple in strong light. But during the cooler half of the year they sometimes have more green on their leaves than red. You will receive a live healthy adult sized Red Dragon Venus Flytrap Plant. It comes with a 3 inch net pot, just like the one in the picture, moss appropriate for carnivorous plant soil loosely packed, and a full page detailed caresheet explaining how to take care of Venus Flytraps. All you will need is a bowl or saucer to hold the Venus Flytrap's pot that it comes with and a little bit of water, a gallon or so of reverse osmosis or distilled water, and a sunny window or a place in the yard to put your Venus Flytrap in. Humidity domes and year round warm weather is not necessary. Don't be fooled by other offers for Venus Flytraps that have them arrive in or with terrariums or humidity domes. These type of plants have strong light requirements and it is a myth that they need high humidity. The truth is that Venus Flytrap setups with terrariums or humidity domes almost always cause these types of plants to eventually die. They need to be grown in open air with containers that allow air to get into their soil and there should be little to block or diffuse their lighting.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

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